Mike Pence: straw man

  Article: Deflecting Attacks onto Straw Men
  Published: October 13, 2020

straw mansee definition - misrepresenting an opponent's position or argument to make it easier to attack, usually by exaggerating, distorting, or just completely fabricating it.
: Biden and Harris support abortion up to the moment of birth, IF the mother’s health or life is at risk.[2]

  Article: Feeding into an Opponent's Narrative
  Published: October 07, 2016

straw mansee definition - misrepresenting an opponent's position or argument to make it easier to attack, usually by exaggerating, distorting, or just completely fabricating it.
: Clinton wanting to make it easier for many undocumented immigrants to obtain legal status, is NOT a policy of open borders.[6]

  Article: Feeding into an Opponent's Narrative
  Published: October 07, 2016

straw mansee definition - misrepresenting an opponent's position or argument to make it easier to attack, usually by exaggerating, distorting, or just completely fabricating it.
: Clinton supports late-term abortions, IF the life or health of the mother is at risk.[15]